
Name: Amarona

Realm: The Kindergarten

Sphere: Vengeance, rebellion, anarchy, personal liberation, and forbidden love; patron of forsaken children and the oppressed

Description: Amarona, also called the Child's God, the Two Faced Queen, the Bound Amaranth, the Dreamwalker, and the Lady of Transitions, is the Daedric Prince of vengeance, open rebellion, liberation, forbidden love, and personal change. A very little known prince, whose realm only recently became known to the residents of Mundus, she is explicitly disdainful towards the Nine, and is a sworn enemy of Stendarr, whom she sees as “arrogant” and “hypocritical”, claiming that no rule based on might can ever be just and righteous, and that he has no right to call the Daedra callous and cruel when he himself sits in silence and allows people to suffer. Her sphere extends to those whose lives have been made miserable by the actions of others, and all those forsaken by the so-called “mercy” of the Divines, taking extra special interest in orphaned or abandoned children. She will often seek out such children to tempt into her realm of Oblivion with the genuine promise of happiness and an eternal, carefree childhood. She is also known to kidnap children away from neglectful or abusive families, cursing the abusers with infertility and wasting diseases of the flesh as further punishment.

When not helping lost children, Amarona is known to take pity on beggars, the wrongfully imprisoned, or other forsaken individuals, bringing them sudden good fortune, such as a noble's coin purse falling loose in front of them, or a wall of their prison cell suddenly collapsing. Those few who worship Amarona on Mundus know her as a bringer of vengeance, and often petition her to strike down those who have wronged them. Dealings of this nature are quite dangerous, however, as Amarona will often strike down the one who sought her audience instead if she finds them to be the guilty party by her own moral code. Despite this harsh attitude, she is also known to be a patron of personal liberation and forbidden love, seeing all true love, no matter how “unconventional”, as beautiful. Many people who seek acceptance for their relationships end up turning to Amarona for aid. However, as with those seeking vengeance, these dealings can be quite dangerous, as Amarona can see into the hearts of those who summon her, and is known to punish those whose feelings do not meet her standards, declaring them an insult to “true” love. Anyone foolish enough to summon her to officiate a love forced onto someone else will undoubtedly be dragged into her realm of Oblivion and punished for all eternity.

Amarona herself is somewhat of an enigma. It is unclear exactly where her origins lie, whether she was a Daedric Prince to begin with, or if she was once something else that became a Daedra through unknown means. To children or young teens, she appears as a teenager or very young adult of varying races, with deep maroon hair and differently colored eyes, one red and one blue, wearing strange, loose fitting clothes decorated with cosmic formations, which shift and glow different colors depending on her mood. Children also claim that she gives off an air of familiarity, almost as though she were their big sister. To adults, her form is still vaguely humanoid, but they are unable to properly perceive any aspect of her appearance, as though they were seeing both her form and empty space at the same time, and observing her for too long causes adults to become physically ill. When not tending to matters on Mundus, she spends most of her time either in the Gallery admiring the works of her children, or in the Lucid Library reading. While she is vengeful, and her actions can be considered wrong by some, she is often considered to be one of the “good” Daedra.

Court of Petals: The Court of Petals is a group comprised of several people who answer directly to Amarona on a regular basis, and carry out certain functions of the Realm for Amarona.

The first member of the Court is a tall, bald Dunmer man wearing fancy black clothes, who calls himself the Curator. This man acts as an intermediary between Amarona and adults to avoid the side effects of observing her, appearing before those who seek her favor, or those who are deserving of just vengeance, to offer them a deal from Amarona. He stands out among those who serve Amarona as the only adult, and seems to serve a similar role as Sheogorath's chamberlain, Haskill. Oddly enough, despite being a Dunmer, the man says his name is “Orc”.

The second member of the Court is a little golden-haired Khajiit girl named Zabhila, who is frequently seen with Amarona showing her parchments of unknown content. She has also been seen all over the Kindergarten taking notes on things. When approached by other residents of the Kindergarten, she is kind, but seems to have a nervous, even jumpy disposition. By all appearance she seems to be Amarona's personal assistant, and she is very affectionate towards her.

The third and forth members of the Court are a young Nord boy named Warren, and a young Imperial girl named Emilore, who can sometimes be seen talking quietly to Amarona. Although Amarona assures people that they serve a very important function for the Realm, neither she nor they have ever explained what that function is. Despite this, the two are always armed, Emilore with a child-sized rapier, and Warren with a mace, and they have occasionally been seen returning from the mortal realm with blood splattered on their clothes, so residents have their theories.


Besides Amarona, there are several powerful and enigmatic child-like entities that exist in the Kindergarten, whom Amarona calls her “Princesses”. She claims that she did not create these entities, but rather “found” them in books in her Library. These Princesses usually oversee a specific major landmark within the Kindergarten. Each Princess also carries a specific flower with them, for unknown reasons.


As with any plane of Oblivion, the Kindergarten is home to a number of Daedric creatures, several of them unique to the Kindergarten itself. Most if not all Daedra who live in the Kindergarten take on child-like forms in accordance with Amarona's will, however, a few varieties of Daedra have fully acclimated to the Kindergarten's magic, and become entirely different types of Daedra.


Amarona herself has only a few artifacts to speak of, and rarely presents any of them to mortals; however, several of her Princesses seem to have their own personal artifacts.

The Kindergarten

Much like how the Shivering Isles is loosely similar to Wonderland, the Kindergarten is loosely similar to Neverland. The main realm consists of an island, all across which children can be found living in complete, innocent bliss. The settlements of the Kindergarten are often grown right from trees and giant rose bushes. The children's needs are maintained by a type of Daedra native only to the Kindergarten, called Faedra, and their safety is ensured by Dremora who have been altered by the Kindergarten's magic, called Kindremora.

Also like the Shivering Isles, the Kindergarten is divided into two halves, though not in the traditional sense. One half, "Lumen", is the Kindergarten in the waking world, where most children in the Kindergarten live and play in the ceaseless summer sunlight. The other half, called "Stygian", is the Kindergarten in the world of dreams, where more adventurous children can go exploring and have adventures under the softly glowing moon. Sleep within the Kindergarten is entirely optional, and residents can switch back and forth between these realms at will.

The chaotic creatia of the Kindergarten is a thick, honey-like substance, and even has a sweet smell to it. It is fed to children in the creation of Rosebuds. Some residents who live near or visit the coasts of the Kindergarten claim that they have seen another island far off on the horizon, but Amarona has never given a clear answer as to what this island is, or if it truly exists, giving wildly differing accounts when pressed, including saying it is Artaeum, the Shivering Isles, a second, identical the Kindergarten inhabited by giant bees, the "PC Continent", and “New Zealand”.


Lumen is the bright, shining daytime in the Kindergarten, where children who are "awake" reside. It is a beautiful, verdant land of rolling plains and flowering plants, and is home to most of the settlements in the Kindergarten.

In addition to the scattering of settlements across the Lumen, there are also several main landmarks created by Amarona herself for a specific purpose. Occasionally, she will have a spark of inspiration, usually from reading a story in her Library, and create a new landmark, unveiling it with pomp and circumstance, as though it were an attraction.

Siren Swamp

The Siren's Swamp is a marshland in an indeterminate location on the island. The Swamp is inhabited by Sirens, and is a sort of purgatory where “lost” adults, either runaways from Sweetrush or those foolish enough to attempt to break into the Kindergarten, are placed while they await judgment from Amarona. The swamp seems to be present in both the main realm and Stygian, as those who go to sleep within it still find themselves there, and possibly exists somewhere between the two. It is inescapable, as any adult who tries to leave will be entranced and led back by the Sirens. There is also no guarantee of how long an adult will remain in the Swamp before Amarona comes to deal with them; it could be a day, it could be a hundred years. Generally though, Amarona tends to deal with runaways more quickly than attempted intruders. The Swamp has no Princess to oversee it, and is maintained by the Siren's who live within it, giving more credence to the theory that it is its own realm within the Kindergarten.